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Your 500mW beacon on 10133.5kHz heard here for the first time ever today,15/06/2017 @ 0030 utc.
QTH -South London - IO91WJ
Signals peaking 579 with deep QSB into the S2 noise level.
Rig: FTdx5000MP; Ant: WARC bands trap dipole up 8m aligned NW - SE
Other signals audible: HI3 (S3), W1 (S5), W9(S4), HA3 (weak)
SFI = 74, A=15, K=1
Vy 73
Steve G3UFY
Hi to everyone concerned with this beacon.
Signals received near Bath in SW England Loc IO81vk
10.133.5MHz 14/06/2017 RST peaking 569
Elecraft K3 Ant: short doublet @10m
30m open to HB but very few other signals heard today.
SFI=75, A=8, K=2
Good luck to all. Vy 73 ........ Brian
Massimo Tegner
HI guy,
just a report for ur HB4FV/b.
Here the sig on JN66AD is consistent all the day (539 to 599).
FT1000MP & antenna 2 ele yagi 25 m off

73 es dx
449 @ JN56HP on 12.6.2017 / 12:30 MEZ and Dipol Antenna 73 de IN3RAY
Didier Lallement
Bonjour à toute l'équipe, ce matin 9 juin 2017 à 08H45 la balise HB4FV/B sur 10133.5 arrive 579 en JN07QO sur un dipôle en v inversé.
Très pratique pour voir le sens de la propagation, compliments.

73 à tous de F5ROX, Didier.
ore 17:07 gmt
in JN62HN 70 km.nord to Rome) 579/589 very strong signal

73 de i0wbx augusto

73 all team and congrats rst in central italy 599 10.134 mhz gl . bruno. ciao!
Drirk Giesecke
Received your beacon on June 5th 12:02 UTC at RST 569 in QTH JO31FJ
My antenna doublet 2 x 19m, 9m over ground.
Nice project!
VY 73 / Dirk / df2xg
Bossuyt Danny
Fotgotten to Tell you. Antenna is a Home brew loop. Diameter 1,6meter located about 1,6 metrr above ground. You van Look at it at qrz.com. reception Time is 17.00. tnx also a great test for my Home brew toys. Danny on1 mws.
Bossuyt Danny
Hello, i've received your 500mW beacon Today with Both my Home brew tranceiver and my Home brew General coverage receiver. Congratulations to you. I'm amazed that such a Small signal van Travel from Zwitserland to belgium. For me it was fun to see my Home brew toys are sensitive enough. Tnx. Danny on1mws.