I received ur hb4fv/b RST 419.from my stay on SICILY it9/IK1YRA from JM67UJ. Best 73's
07-07-2019 00:09:25
Super signal aujourd´hui 11:00 utc sur 10.1335 CW, rst 569
QTH nr. Frankfurt/Main.
Meilleurs 73 et bonne chance
12-06-2019 23:28:35
Hi, I listened your beacon on 10133,5 kHz at UTC 08:52, RST 459 QSB, ant. vertical, JN69OR, VY73, Milan.
07-06-2019 22:31:55
Merci pour cette balise 1watt que j'ai reçu sur 10.133.5 depuis le nord de la France en JO10JJ à 09h08 UTC avec un RST 5 2 9 et du QSB à 319.
mon antenne une levy 2x10m et un FT1000.
73 à toute l'équipe
29-05-2019 07:14:53
29/05/19 :
Bonne réception de la balise pendant 5mn sur 10.133.71 Mhz.599 avec 1w à 18:10 UTC.
Ici conditions, antenne delta loop de 84m up 7m. Descente twin 450 omh TX/RX KWD 570D + boite de couplage MFJ 941E. QRA altitude 80m dans le département de la Vendée à 40 km de l'océan atlantique
WX nuageux sans pluie, temp environs 18°C
27-05-2019 21:25:49
QTR 08:10 UTC. I am getting the signal of your beacon QRG 10133,5 KHz, deep and fast fading but QRK 5. My Rx IC7300. My antenna system: 40 mt of feed line RG213 low loss foam, Antenna is a fishingrod of fiberglass (8,5 mt), at the base there is a un-un 4:1 with 240-43 toroid ferrite core, the radiator is made with 4 wire connected to same point af the un-un (lenght of wire: n.1 is 9,3 mt long wrapped in a spiral in the upper half, n.2 is 8 mt, n.3 is 6 mt, n.4 is 3,6 mt). With this my antenna project i use CW QRP and QRPp having good results.
TNX, i enjoy your beacon.
Best 73, Pat IS0FQK.
Nermin S58DX
23-05-2019 01:02:54
Fairly good signal this morning and early afternoon. RST 459 with profound QSB. My rig Knwd TS590SG, bndwth 400 Hz, no preamp. Antenna inverted W8JI windom, up 23 meters oriented N/S.
IK7LMX Gilberto
16-05-2019 10:36:37
nice signal on 10133,5 khz,cw at this moment is 579 here in Brindisi,south Italy
My rig is Yaesu ft2000 and antenna is a simple end feed home made,16,2 mt long.
14-05-2019 22:01:24
Hi, friends,
your beacon is fb job with qrpp 1 W out.
Today heared in nCzech Republic (JO60WP), RST 339-559
Regards de Jan, OK1DPU
Jose Luis
01-12-2018 20:26:44
Yr sigs here:
Date 2/12/2918. QRG 10,13,50 CW rst 589 tres fort pour seulement 1w. Mon antenne Mosley Ta53