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Carlos ik1yra
I received ur hb4fv/b RST 419.from my stay on SICILY it9/IK1YRA from JM67UJ. Best 73's
Super signal aujourd´hui 11:00 utc sur 10.1335 CW, rst 569
QTH nr. Frankfurt/Main.
Meilleurs 73 et bonne chance
Hi, I listened your beacon on 10133,5 kHz at UTC 08:52, RST 459 QSB, ant. vertical, JN69OR, VY73, Milan.
Merci pour cette balise 1watt que j'ai reçu sur 10.133.5 depuis le nord de la France en JO10JJ à 09h08 UTC avec un RST 5 2 9 et du QSB à 319.
mon antenne une levy 2x10m et un FT1000.
73 à toute l'équipe
29/05/19 :

Bonne réception de la balise pendant 5mn sur 10.133.71 Mhz.599 avec 1w à 18:10 UTC.

Ici conditions, antenne delta loop de 84m up 7m. Descente twin 450 omh TX/RX KWD 570D + boite de couplage MFJ 941E. QRA altitude 80m dans le département de la Vendée à 40 km de l'océan atlantique

WX nuageux sans pluie, temp environs 18°C
QTR 08:10 UTC. I am getting the signal of your beacon QRG 10133,5 KHz, deep and fast fading but QRK 5. My Rx IC7300. My antenna system: 40 mt of feed line RG213 low loss foam, Antenna is a fishingrod of fiberglass (8,5 mt), at the base there is a un-un 4:1 with 240-43 toroid ferrite core, the radiator is made with 4 wire connected to same point af the un-un (lenght of wire: n.1 is 9,3 mt long wrapped in a spiral in the upper half, n.2 is 8 mt, n.3 is 6 mt, n.4 is 3,6 mt). With this my antenna project i use CW QRP and QRPp having good results.
TNX, i enjoy your beacon.
Best 73, Pat IS0FQK.
Nermin S58DX
Fairly good signal this morning and early afternoon. RST 459 with profound QSB. My rig Knwd TS590SG, bndwth 400 Hz, no preamp. Antenna inverted W8JI windom, up 23 meters oriented N/S.
IK7LMX Gilberto
nice signal on 10133,5 khz,cw at this moment is 579 here in Brindisi,south Italy
My rig is Yaesu ft2000 and antenna is a simple end feed home made,16,2 mt long.
Hi, friends,
your beacon is fb job with qrpp 1 W out.
Today heared in nCzech Republic (JO60WP), RST 339-559
Regards de Jan, OK1DPU
Jose Luis
Yr sigs here:
Date 2/12/2918. QRG 10,13,50 CW rst 589 tres fort pour seulement 1w. Mon antenne Mosley Ta53