HB4FV/B very nice signal (539 to 559) in Latvia - KO17em. My trx Yaesu FT-920 and antenna dipole for 160 m band (1,830 kHz). My best 73! de Ervins (in CW Erwin) - YL2CQ
Marco I0MOM
02-03-2020 04:14:02
Heard your bacon in JN61FU .
Steady signal clear 539 report.
73 de I0MOM Marco
Kare YU7AE
16-02-2020 00:49:15
Hello HB4FV/b team, today I received your signal on 10.133.5 KHz in WW.loc JN95ud at 539m ASL near TV/FM tower. Your signal is 339-559 on FT-817nd 350Hz CW filter and Timewave DSP-599zx, antenna is linked Inv.Vee at 7m fishing pole. 73 from YU7AE/p op Kare
12-11-2019 01:12:56
Habe am 12.11.2019 die Bake beobachtet und um 12:00 GMT HB4FV/B mit rst 539 qsb empfangen. Standort: JO 71 GB , RX: FT 857d und Dipol für 30m.
Prima Bake. Vy 73 es gl de Aci DE1ACI & DL1DRA
10-11-2019 01:22:00
Excellent signal 589 Loc JO80CN Rig Sangean 909 Ant Wire 73!
Merci pour le superbe QSO de ce jour, excellent signal et manipulation impeccable...du travail de "pro".
Je suis un ex-collègue, des troupes de Transmission de l'Armée Belge, retraité après une belle carrière "radio" en Belgique, Allemagne et Congo (RDC).
A 75 ans, que de bons souvenirs. J'attends le prochain QSO.
TX: ICOM IC-7200, Ant W3DZZ home made, PWR 90 W, Clé J-47.
18-09-2019 20:41:30
Good morning. I monitor your beacon to help assess 30m propagation and to assist with setting up home made aerials. This morning - 19/09/2019 at 07:38 the beacon report is 549 QSB here near Hull in East Yorkshire, England.