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Moises EA4MZ
RST 559 at 12:05UTC QTH IN80fi. Perseus SDR+Loop Antenna
Dave G3XOB
Good signals 559 at 11:20 UTC in IO81ql on 20m wire at 5m high on Yaesu FT757GXII.
Nigel G4AKU
Nice signal from HB4FV/B at Sizewell Beach, UK. 559 on Eton E5 portable RX!
73 de Nigel G4AKU
Mike Ik7LYW
Hi, now 10.133.5 rst 579
Ant dipole 10m up
Martin Hanraads
Hi there,

Heard your beacon today on 10,133.50Mhz, at 1400Z, RST 529.
Good luck and 73,
Martin Hanraads/G0ILZ
Good morning,
i m Gabri from IT9 zone,i stay in sud-est of Sicily island.I listen ur B Sunday 23/9/18 whit very QSB,ur rst is 559.My ant in dipole v inverted and yaesu 450.I m only a QSL,i waiting for the patent 4 be come Ham.73 and good job.CW 4 ever.
Salvatore Scalise
Good morning,
I'm receiving your transmission on 10.133.5 at 08.33 z, on September 2, 2018. Your rst is 329, with strong qsb and fading.
I hope this report is usefull for your tests,
My receiving set: IC761, inverted V dipole for 40 mtrs.
Best regards or (better) 73.
Sal Scalise. ik7ukf, jn81kc.
Chers OMs
Trés bon travail, pour votre station QRP. Le report ici à Alger (JM16mr) ce matin le 24 juillet 2018 à 07:43 est de 549 stable durant tout le temps de la transmission. Pour la réception j'utilise une antenne W3DZZ. avec un DX Patrol avec SDRConsole (V3). Bonne continuation, meilleurs 73.

Steve, GM0HUU
HB9FV/B received RST 549 to 559 slight QSB
12-JUL-2018 21:58-22:00 utc
HB9FV/B loc: JN36eq
GM0HUU loc: IO75su
Thanks for setting up beacon.
Zoran Grozdanovski
GE from Macedonia. Ur Beacon is with nice signal 559 with 1W solar power in KN01QA, 10133.5 Nice job
GL from Z32U