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Re my rpt of beacon - Date and Time was 04/08/2021 @ 06:33 UTC.
Copy beacon on 10.133.5Mhz. 559 qsb. Qth Nr Dover. Tx/Rx Yaesu FT450 ant OCFD at 10 Mtrs high.
beacon 599 nr. cologne. 73, Georg
ant. endfed 40m, 12m up
Marcel PA9M
Good copy beacon on 10.133.5 khz 599 JO32kh Dipole Elecraft K3
Rst 339 a Sirmione. Rtx kx2 ant. Verticale portatile.. 73 de ik2uzq Mario
21:00 UTC Beacon rcvd 539 in JO31RP. Antenna Dipol up 11m, TRX FTDX101D
73 de DF7DC
Beacon received today 5/7/21 18:51 utc Sig 559. QTH Northwich IO83rg. Rig QCX Ant End Fed thro Z Match 12m High.
73 de G4OJF
Strong signal of the beacon today, 20th of june 2021 ! Always nice to listen to it with a report of 579
My QTH is close from Versailles JN18BR !!!
73 to the team
Copying your beacon with RST=559 on June 16, 2021 at 06:40z via ground wave in JN58OM, abt 410 km distance. Tnx for the interesting information on your QRZ page. 73 Ben.
Ermanno IN3MDR
08/06/2021 Beacon received in JN55LV (1000 m. in Trento province) with RST 559 and QSB at 14:45 UTC. Receiver: RFT EKD-300 (ex German Democratic Republic) and Double Zepp antenna 40 meters long. Compliments and vy 73 de
Ermanno IN3MDR - INORC # 661