Re my rpt of beacon - Date and Time was 04/08/2021 @ 06:33 UTC.
03-08-2021 19:38:22
Copy beacon on 10.133.5Mhz. 559 qsb. Qth Nr Dover. Tx/Rx Yaesu FT450 ant OCFD at 10 Mtrs high.
01-08-2021 05:04:02
beacon 599 nr. cologne. 73, Georg
ant. endfed 40m, 12m up
Marcel PA9M
28-07-2021 10:50:03
Good copy beacon on 10.133.5 khz 599 JO32kh Dipole Elecraft K3
17-07-2021 04:21:31
Rst 339 a Sirmione. Rtx kx2 ant. Verticale portatile.. 73 de ik2uzq Mario
11-07-2021 10:04:39
21:00 UTC Beacon rcvd 539 in JO31RP. Antenna Dipol up 11m, TRX FTDX101D
73 de DF7DC
05-07-2021 07:53:52
Beacon received today 5/7/21 18:51 utc Sig 559. QTH Northwich IO83rg. Rig QCX Ant End Fed thro Z Match 12m High.
73 de G4OJF
19-06-2021 23:36:37
Strong signal of the beacon today, 20th of june 2021 ! Always nice to listen to it with a report of 579
My QTH is close from Versailles JN18BR !!!
73 to the team
15-06-2021 19:42:24
Copying your beacon with RST=559 on June 16, 2021 at 06:40z via ground wave in JN58OM, abt 410 km distance. Tnx for the interesting information on your QRZ page. 73 Ben.
Ermanno IN3MDR
08-06-2021 03:50:37
08/06/2021 Beacon received in JN55LV (1000 m. in Trento province) with RST 559 and QSB at 14:45 UTC. Receiver: RFT EKD-300 (ex German Democratic Republic) and Double Zepp antenna 40 meters long. Compliments and vy 73 de
Ermanno IN3MDR - INORC # 661