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559 on 10.135.50 MHz at 1422 GMT
579 with qsb to io63wj
dl4zbi Mic
Tnx fer the HB4FV/B stn = wrk vy gd es a excellent indicator fr me to test the condx around EU into the 30m band =
vy gud lk to ur project wid the beacon = last report on 2.2.2021 , 0850z , qsa 4 ! 73 de Mic dl4zbi / kd7knw
CT1BXX - Manuel
Good copy now in North Portugal Loc IN51ra. RST 569
73 de ct1bxx
Nermin S58DX
Fair signals today with strong qsb...peaks up to 549 on Smeter, Rig Knwd TS590SG, Bndwth 300 Hz, no preamp, antenna 23 mtrs high W8JI windom as inverted vee, direction N/S...lovely to hear real DX signal this afternoon at 1557 UTC..Nermin S58DX
Hello dear friends,
I have a pleasure to send you my SWL report on your HB4FV beacon.
I have heard you on 27. October 2020 at 15:30 UTC on freq 10 133,5 kHz
RST 569. Nice signal with 1 W and I appreciate your solar power. My rig FT817 and LW 40 m.

Best regards, take care.
73, Pavel, OK2BMA, Zlin, JN89TF
phil ON7OP
hello, 599 in belgium (sud 45 km brussels) on 10.133.500
Roland DL1LQR
Hi, Signal 579 in JO61MG.
ant Dipol 5m up Stn FT-950

73 aus nr Leipzig
Roland DL1LQR
Bernd DL9LBR
14:50 UTC I rcvd ur beacon in Hamburg (JO43WN) - RST 559 QSB
Stn hr YAESU FTDX1200 and ant multiband trap diole inv V

73 from Hamburg
Rienus PA0RBA
I received your 1Wt beacon at 15:00 UTC today (29 oct 2020). RST = 549 to 569. My antenne is a 12 meter long vertical on top of the house, rig is ICOM 7300. 73 from Holland!