416 messages   
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Bruno F5AGB
10133.5 Received beacon this time S3 constant on simple vertical R7 (too low above ground) in west of france, Loc IN97jc.
73, Bruno
Helmut VK4YKI
on WSPR at 30m Band in (Grid Square: PF95ja) South Australia

1926 -20 -0.4 10.140123 -3 HB4FV JN36 0 30 (1.0 W)

Ironstone SDR
South Australia
25 Feb 2022 19:26 UTC
Very good

Heard you HB4FV/B using 1 watt and solar power 1620 25 Feb on 10.133 RST 599. Excellent copy. 73s John/M0HTE
Francesco I6FCR
Received Beacon 23/02/2022 at12:06 gmt rst 559
My rig is K3 ant Dipole. Pse QSL 73!
OZ6CM - Carsten
Hi there,
just SWL your Beacon on 30m 10.133.5 ( 1w pwr )
RST 559 here in JO55UP ( 60km w Copenhagen )
antenna sloper antenna for 30m

73s de OZ6CM / Carsten
wim mensink
I heart your QRP sigs ( 1 Watt solar power )
on 13 febr. 2022 on 10.133 Mhz. RST 539.
Rig: Kenwood ts450sat, antenna fd4 wire windom high 10.metres.

gd luck de Wim, (PA0WKI)
Nando EA5AHN
Please, update your system clock. Indicates wrong time and date. You are in SWITZERLAND¡¡¡¡¡



Nando EA5AHN
Received beacon in 10133,5 13/2/2022 11.53UTC 579. LOCATOR IN90GC 1330
meetres over the sea level.


Paolo Caldarella
Heard your rtty emission the 3th february 2022 at UTC 15:18 on 10133.5 Khz with very strong signal in Como.
My station:
Passive Loop with amplifier Nooelec LANA
SWL: I2-05270-CO
Paolo Caldarella
73's from Italy
Erwin Fischer OE8FEK
Heard your CW beacon on the 7th of Dec. 2012 at about 17:20 UTC with RST 559 on 10,1335Mc
Dipole Antenna just 3 m above ground

73 from Austria