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Big signals from beacon on 10.133.5
599 in IO92BN. Strongest QRP beacon here.
dear om's,
I've heard your beacon at 10,1335 mc:
date: 06.12.2016 time: 14.05 UTC rst: 549 qsb qth: Schwerin/Germany - JO53QP
Rx: Lima-SDR Ant: indoor mag. loop (60 cm diamtr.)
vy 73 de Mark (ex DM1545-B)
IK8SQG op. Antonio
I'm receiving your beacon signal on 10.133.5 MHz.
The signal is very clear!
RST is 539
My RTX is ICOM IC-7300 and ANT is random wire 12m on balcony (see QRZ.com).
TNX and 73
Antonio IK8SQG
05.12.2016 - 15:12 GMT
HB4FV - Beacon team
Thank you very much !!
For all your reports, and also for information about your listening conditions.

Best regards from the beacon team HB4FV
SP9BCH , Jan
Hi OM's

Hello I'am receiving your beacon HB4FV/B very strong signal in my QTH Niepolomice near Krakow , loc KO00ca
Receiving the signal on 10133.5 kHZ at 14.00Z , RST: 5 5/8 9
My equipment : FT-897 , antenna: dipole 10mc , 7 m up ground .
Interesting info and photos on qrz.com.

DL9FC, Peter
Hi dear OMs,
I am jusst listening to your beacon in my qth nr. Hamburg.on qrg 10.133,5 mc, RST is 579 in the peaks, in qsb abt 539. Very good ssignal.
My stn is Kenwood TS2000 and Magnetic Loop Antenna outdoor in abt 8 m height. Diameter of the loop is 170 cm.
Best 73s
Peter, DL9FV
Antonio Martin EA4AX

Nice signal from Beacon 13:26 UTC 01-12-2016

Nice view your QRZ.com info...

Regars From Madrid-Spain

HB4FV/4 heard in Poland ?yrardów KO02FB rprt 529 to 599 2016.11.25 at 7.05 Itd Antenna lw 16.8 m 5 m above gnd gl for more experiments .73 ! de sp5oxp Ted
Ola Noren
Loud and clear at 10.133.5 MHz
RST 559 peaking 569
2016 11 27 at 15:00 UTC
Antenna is Horizontal Loop 85m

73 and Hej de sm0cuh /OLa
Receiving the signal fom HB4FV/P even at 12:21pm.
solid copy with 500mw. antenna is hexbeam, so not even antenne for 30m hihi.

Keep up the good work.


Frank, ON7RU