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Vous devez saisir des informations valides
de HB9AFV à Genève
Je vous reçois avec le http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/
rst 569 super avec 500 mw !!
Bravo, beau travail et merci
73 qro
HB9AFV ( un ancien de Bulach ....!!)
Nice to hear your beacon today 25/1/2017 11:15 utc at 10133.5. Signal RST 539 QSB.
FB job 500 mw and solar power in JN63EQ

73 de EA4CWN Alfonso
DK2BC, Uli
HB4FV/B empfangen am 22.01.2017, 13:00 UTC mit RST 549, Standort Münster, Nordwestdeutschland, RIG: Elecraft K2, Langdraht.
Nice signal today 569 on peaks. No VDSL interference here today so I am able to hear signals on the 10MHz band. Congratulations on putting the station/beacon on the air.

Thank you & 73
Howarth GW3TMP

21st January 2017 12:50 GMT
Dear Friends,

Congratulation for your job!
This beacon on 10133.5 MHz was very strong today at my QTH, KN07NH.
Rig: FT-1000MP MATK-IV FIELD and trap Gp for WARC bands at 20 m h.

21. January 2017, 07:45 UTC

73 de Laci HA0HW
Santiago EA5CEC
RX report info:

Listened HB4FV/B on 18 january 2017, at 16:30 UTC, on 10.133 with 549

Best regards.
529 z JO81CI Osiek NR Lubin
Ft dx 3000, kwadrat 82m up. 6m
10.133.5 CW
73! Wiesiek.
18.01.2017 11:50
529 z JO81CI Osiek NR Lubin
Ft dx 3000, kwadrat 82m up 6m
10.133.5 CW
73! Wiesiek.
Georges F5JLQ
Trés bonne reception 579 from JO00WW
Le 18/01/2017 à 9h20 TU
Antenne LEVY 2x10mtrs UP 6mtres
Nice copy to HB4FV/B
this day 17/50 utc
599 with my Yaesu FT-817 AND dipole antenne
10.133 CW
73 de F-17468