Prayers/Messages For Baylee & Family

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Hi Baylee!
I am praying for you and hope you have a quick recovery. God Bless you! *HUGS* Jesus has his arms around you.
God Bless,
I just wanted to saying GET WELL SOON Baylee I'm praying for you and your family!!! <3
Get better soon, Baylee.
Get better soon Baylee and all of you are in my thoughts and prayers.Keep strong.
Malinda Greene
Feel better soon Baylee. Santa wll be comming with some medicane to make you feel better.
All my thoughts and prayers are with you little Baylee in your time of need! May God swiftly heal you and keep you and your family close to his heart always! I'll be pray of nothing but you until you are well again! All my love little one!
Raquel Morales
My prayers go out to Baylee for a speedy recovery. Also, thoughts and prayers go out to Leighanne and Brian. Hopefully Baylee gets out of the hospital just in time to enjoy Christmas with his family.
Baylee we are all prayng for you and your family we love you so much.
God Bless You
Get better soon, little funny man...Brian, Leighanne and the rest of the Littrell family I will be praying for you and a speedy recovery for Baylee. God Bless You all.
Get well soon little man!!!
**Big hugs to you and to your mommy and daddy!!!!**