Hi Nathan,
I hope you're doing well!
I am still supporting the group,just as usual
Big Kisses to you and to your wife
16-02-2016 10:47:12
Vous nous manquez terriblement. Je suis très impatiente de vous re voir.faites vite, on a besoin de vous!! on vous aime!!!
little princess
16-02-2016 10:47:12
hello everybody i just see the last news and it's a pleasure for me to see that there are two dates to see nathan! i'm thinking about this dates to see him !! lots of kisses for nathan and his wife and for all the team!!
16-02-2016 10:47:12
Coucou tout le monde. Merci Nathan de nous donner des news de temps en temps. C'est super sympas de ta part. J'espère vous revoir et vous rencontrer en chair et en os. Bisous à toi,à Cal et à Steve
16-02-2016 10:47:12
un coucou a Nathan , Steve et Cal .
je pense a vous et je serai tjs la pour vous !
gros bisous
little princess
16-02-2016 10:47:11
hello everybody! how are you? just pass to know if all is well for you and nathan too! congratulations for the winer! big kisses and hope to see nathan very soon
Vicky and Jim Manley
16-02-2016 10:47:11
We saw you
tonight in a Bar on holiday singing footloose and other
songs and thought you were fab! You told my husband he could sing as
he was singing there too, and i am not hearing the end of it! : ) he
is really chuffed! Hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday!
16-02-2016 10:47:11
Salut à tous, je voufrais félicité la grande gagnante du concours.
Bisous à tous
16-02-2016 10:47:11
Hi Nathan I saw you at the back to the 80's concert in Glasgow and I thought you were great, hope to see you at more gigs in scotland.
little princess
16-02-2016 10:47:10
hello nathan how are you? i just pass to know if all is well for you and donna i want to see you with pleasure but i think i'm waiting december because before i can't tell us if you have anothers dates in september or october thanks! take care!!