My DBSG ~ Livre d'Or

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Salut ^^ Je vois que votre site est même visité par des coréens je suis impressionée ^^ ouaah peut etre que un jour les TVXQ vont y passé par hasard =]J'ai connu DBSG grace a ma cousine et vous etes le 1er site que jai visité sur eux, j'étais trop ouaaah en le voyant ^^
Nb : c trop marrant ce qu'a écrit la coréenne c tourné d'une façon...on dirait qu'elle nous nargue un peu :" It will be good if you can come to... but you can't" lool KOREAN FANS ARE SO LUCKY TO BE CLOSE TO THEM u__u HOW LUCKY THEY ARE T_T PLEASE TELL THEM THAT THEY HAVE FRENCH FANS lool je voudrais tellement les voir en concert rien qu'une fois T__T bon je stop le délire lool je vous remercie pour votre merveilleux site ^^ toujours mis à jour en plus !! =))
Oh, I love your site!! It's very pretty!!! ^^ And I know it is comprehensive---complete with all the dbsg stuff, even if I don't understand French. ^_^ Hwaiting to the two of you!!! <3<3 Keep up the great work!
It was me (one of the webmaster of the site) who wrote the last msg XD
To yoon ah lee : I sent you an e-mail in your e-mail adress prettyyoonah@han... ^^
haha don't worry my english is also poor.. XD
well, we are french from France ^^ and we know DBSK by watching television lol => arirang!!
yh we learned about this party for Hero and his father 's birthday Y.Y we'd like to go too, but it's IMPOSSIBLE because it's too far from here ^^ are you going in this party? =O
There's also a concert soon.. I wanna go too U_U
Hi~ I'm Korean TVXQ's Fan-&#9825; My English is poor.....but I want to write here, Ah,, Now hero's weight is 59 kg...or less than 59..T-T he's so thin..........
I don't know there is French Fan site~~~~~~~ You are French? ?? Korean-French(?)?.... HaHaHa~ How do you know about TVXQ? ..
I know nothing about French.... In my highschool, I had learned about Russian.... but Many school teach French to student~
I'm keeper in an internet cafe(=a kind of site) named "HeroJiJae"
My cafe will hold a party for Hero and his father in catholic Univ. concert hall - His father's birthday is 1. 26 , too.
It will be good if you can come to... but you can't T- T
+) Ah, I know 'et' in French is same to 'and' in English~~ in this site ~ HaHaHa~
yoon ah lee
I'm korea fan that write gestbook this afternoon...
Is there anyone who send e-mail to me?
I received e-mail from anyone
I should have protected e-mail.
but I miss that e-mail by mistake &#12640;.&#12640;
send email to me again...
sorry sorry &#12640;.&#12640;
Hi- I'm &#26481;&#26041;&#26032;&#36215; korean fan!
In Europe, TVXQ Fanpage!!! +_+
I'm surprise!! <- this site!
&#26481;&#26041;&#26032;&#36215; Click!!
In that site, There are many data.
Forever TVXQ Forever TVXQ Fan!!
I'm Korean TVXQ Fan!!!!!!
Nice to meet you-_-
I'm so glad to you love dongbang.
They are World Singer!!!!!
coreenne fan de tvxq
s'il vous plaît et bonjour~
Comment allez vous~
Je suis coréenne et fan de tvxq
Je m'appelle lee yoon ah et J'habit a coree
J'aime xiahjunsoo de tvxq
Je suis lycee et famme~
je suis 18(age)
bon annee~ en Au revoir
bonne chance~~~
hi~ nice to meet you
my name is lee yoon ah and I'm korean girl.
I'm 19 years old
I'm studying french in high school by second foreign languege.
but I'm not good at french.
I'm very surprise
because I don't know that tvxq's fan is being in france
And I am very proud~~
tvxq is very professional and popular singer in Asia
my e-mail adress is
I wanna send e-mail with tvxq's fan in france
I can send tvxq's data by e-mail
please send many e-mail to me~
meet again~~
thank you~
Hi you !!
Et bien justement j'avais pensé aussi à créer un forum french sur le dbsk, je l'ai fait mais j'avais pas trouvé d'autres modérateurs =__=' heureusement que tu me l'a proposé chui trop happy !! XD merchi de me l'avoir proposé! sinon ca fait un bail que je ne suis plus repasser sur votre site ! ;) toujours aussi génial, par rapport à ce que je fais, mon truk c'est trop nul comparé a vous lol. bon tenez moi au courant ! BizouXxxx !