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ramona smit
hello christine what a wondeful site do you have and adorable cats lots of succes with future breeding kind regards ramona smit
Mary Treep
Hello :-) from the Netherlands my compliments to a very nice and beautifull designed website ,it was a great pleasure to visit and see your wonderfull cats and cute kittens!!!! I am a Himalayan breeder for 38 jears now and I love your Himmys :-) ,and wish you much happiness and lots of succes for the future .I hope that you visit my website some day to see my Himmys and ther 2008 kittens :-),and sign my guestbook kind regards from Mary.
kikou tes petits chattons sont toujours aussi adorables ,a chaques portées de pure merveille quel bonheur ,felicitation et je te souhaite pleins de succes futur ,bien ammicalement isabelle
Karl-Heinz Bartel
Hello from Denmark,
What a great website you have. I have a really plesent time here to see your beautiful cats and your sweet kittens, they are gorgeous. I wish you all the best for your future breeding. Best regards from Karl-Heinz.
Quels merveilleux chatons....
J'adore votre petite écaille, elle est très prometteuse...
Bonne continuation dans votre passion.
Un grand coeur pour les derniers nés !! félicitations ...Bravo pour votre site ou les chats présentés sont très beaux !...Bonne continuation à vous !.. - Chatterie des épis d'Antoria -
Sheila Costa
Dear Christine,
Thank you for visiting our website, you are so nice. I liked very much to see your cats, they are darlings!
Greetings from USA, Sheila
Hi from Latvia!
My compliments to a very nice website! Your cats are absolutely gorgeous! Lovely kittens and very sweet! Good luck with your breeding programme and showing.
Best regards, Nadezhda (cattery "Laver")
SanFrancesco Cattery
Your cats are adorable!
I have an wonderful time in your website.
Best Wishes,
SanFrancesco Cattery ** Carolina
Marinella Lupattelli
Hello Christine, Many thanks for your nice words on my cats, you have beautiful, lovely cats and I have surfing your site with much like.
Greetings from Marinella and Fralemar cats