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Dear Laurent,
Yesterday I received your book and there's only one word for this book: WOW !! So many beautiful pictures. Each picture is a present. After being to your show (Emotion and Action) and watching your DVD I did get a lot of admiration and respect for you. Now, after reading your book my admiration and respect even grew more and more and more. Unbelievable the things you did and achived on your own. I hope one day I get the chance to let you sign my book. Laurent, please never change and take care.
Hello lorenzo,
i am youre biggest fan!
i like you and youre horses i was also in Apassionata Grand Voyage !! the way you are going on with the horses so beautiful i hope you come again with The international Horse show in netherland i be waiting of you
xxx sweet kisses Kaatje
He is soo great rider..i love him...
Lorenzo forever
You are a great rider. I wish i had the relationship you have with your horses.
Un grand merci Lorenzo! Parfait. Le lanuage, cest compris! Big Bisous, a bientot, x
Dear Lorenzo,
You and your horses are wonderfull.
Thanks for your show in Amsterdam.
You are the bests.
Dear Laurent,
two weeks ago, friends gave me your dvd. I have seen the movie many times since then and each time, i have tears in my eyes. I did not see something beautiful for a long time. Your kind as you with your horses goes around, your environment, simply everything let me back to life believe. I want you to thank for this wonderful film.
Best wishes
Dear Laurent,
First of all I wanna wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR, may all your wishes come true!
Saw your spectacular show at Apassionata in Amsterdam. Amazing!
So beautiful! I bought your DVD and already watched it several times. There's so much peace and understanding between you and your horses. It will never stop touching me. Today I also decided to buy your book. I cant't wait to read it. Thank you for sharing your wonderful gift with us.
Hello Lorenzo, I also saw your show in amsterdam, we were at the last show at sunday evening. We had great seats in the front, so we could see it very good! And I made some great pictures of your show. Thank you very much for the great performances! You and your horses were great! Greets Robyn
Dios te ha bendecido con salud perfecta y cuerpo perfecto. Dios te ha bendecido tambien con CABALLOS bellisimos y un lugar de entrenamiento special.
Por eso te llaman: "El gran Lorenzo".