GOOD MORNING dear jenny just 2 words to wish you a blessing week end with love lenalahelen
21-08-2012 00:08:00
Michel je vous soutien comme je peut suis aussi atteins biz
11-08-2012 22:44:00
Je signe le livre d'or de Jenny pour cette année 2012
Elle à la médaille du partage de la combativité
20-07-2012 03:18:00
hello my dear JENNY how are and how are your childrens ? i hope you passed nice hol. - tks for ALL YOUR GOOD ADVICES wishing you a blessing week end with all yr dear family - love lenalahelen
16-06-2012 22:11:00
I KNOW my dear JENNY i went through
SEVERAL times in my live and my godmother went to heaven .....not long ago after her illness - have a nice envening my dear JENNY lot s of kisses to you and to yr 2 sweethearts CINDY and yr little bo with love from lenalahelen and her son her only child- sorry if i made some mistakes as i am really VERY VERY TIRED AND U P S E T
14-06-2012 00:38:00
GOOD MORNING my dear JENNY how are you - tks for all yr GOOD ADVICES
wishing you a blessing day with love to you and yr 2 childrens yr sweetheart CINDY and yr little boy
may god bless you and all yr dear family - lenalahelen
08-06-2012 04:38:00
good morning my dear JENNY how are you ? tks for ALL your good advices wishing you a blessing week end and a good rest for you and all yr dear family lot s of kisses to you and to yr 2 sweethearts yr little girl CINDY and yr little boy with love lenalahelen
15-05-2012 05:49:00
good morning dear JENNY tks for this mail that i will transmit to my family and to my friends - with love lenalahelen
10-05-2012 05:10:00
good morning my dear jenny just two words to wish you and all yr dear family a blessing day with love lenalahelen
08-05-2012 04:25:00
GOOD morning my dear JENNY how are you tks for all your good advices as usual - wishing you a blessing day with your 2 sweethearts your little girl cindy and yr little boy with love lenalahelen