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Coucou Frédérique !
C'est vrai, nous avons voulu continuer sur une autre note d'humour avec la journée bien remplie de Dame Catherine Finalement, au Moyen-Age, les dames étaient aussi très actives. LOL En tout cas merci pour tes encouragements Gros bisous à toi ainsi qu'à tous. A bientôt. Pilou
Bonsoir Pilou
Ah quel plaisir de vous retrouver ... et ce soir, je découvre la journée bien remplie de Catherine! Quelle bonne idée et amusante à rechercher de quelles scènes viennent ces images Bisou et à bientôt
Bonsoir Pilou.
I am happy to find out that your Website is ONLINE as always I can imagine that has been a nuisance for you. Also it is the great "fear" we all share who have a website So glad to know everything is fine again. Thanks for the notice about "une femme d'honneur" tonight have a beautiful weekend.
Bisous Mistral
Hello Mistral and all of you Thanks for your visits and happy if you can watch those films with Philippe Clay tomorrow Congratulations for your website too and for all the work you do BIg kisses and à bientôt
Bonjour Pilou
I just came to tell that I think this is a splendid idea, to tell us from now on, when there is a film with one or our stars from "Catherine" Could you please keep this novità from now on? Wish you a beautiful day and send best wishes and hugs from la Suisse
Good evening France I just watched again your new is INGENIOUS And I love that Geocounter Have a nice week and until soon..
Grand bisous Mistral
Bonsoir Mistral
Big thanks to you for your visits and your comment. It's kind of you We are very happy that you like and enjoy our new pages. We effectively thought to "speak" about technicians because their work was so fantastic and we can enjoy what they did in the film Receive all your best wishes and à bientôt. P.S. We have also visited your new pages and BRAVO for the Catherine route Gros bisous.
Bonsoir Pilou and Pilou As everyday I come visit you - sometimes it is a short visit - sometimes I stay longer...and what do my eyes see tonight an absolutely fantastic and amazing new project. I really really love it! What an original idea to do that.Excellent - and the costumes! ahhh beautiful. So I send you my congratulations for this superb work And should you feel like having a rest after all this I invite you to come and have a look at our new Catherine-Route Slide show.
I wish you a beautiful weekend and send you bisous.
Bonjour Frédérique Merci de ta visite et du gentil commentaire. Nous sommes heureux que cela te plaise. En effet, il nous a paru normal de rendre hommage à l'équipe technique qui nous a permis de "rêver" en voyageant au coeur du Moyen-Age Nous avons encore des ajouts en cours sur ces pages et nous espérons que cela plaira à tous Pilou travaille, alors encore un peu de patience Un gros bisou à tous et bonne journée
Bonjour Pilou
Wouah !!!!!! Vos pages sur les Techniciens sont géniales. Félicitations! C'est vrai que sans eux la série ne serait pas bien! Ils apprécieront. Bisous et à bientôt