Hi Carolina...I´m from Germany and since I watched you the first time on TV I love your way to do your sport.I did athletics for 11 years to,but everytime i watch you i want to start it again,because you fight for your dream!!we love you ...
08-08-2006 12:10:00
Hi Carolina I´m from Germany and you´re the best.
08-08-2006 10:36:00
I#m Arno from Germany and I wish you the same like Siavo!!
07-08-2006 10:24:00
Hy Carolina i am Siavo from Austria.I was born in Armenie and i like you so mach, you are the best sportwomen in the World.I wish you best result´s in Sweden and i konw that you are winer
03-08-2006 20:20:00
I´m from Germany and i like you! you are very good!!
13-07-2006 21:04:00
est-ce que quelqu'un peut me dire, quand on peut voire carolina en activité le prochain fois? depuis les derniers jeux olympiques je suis un grand fan de lui... merci et au revoir
27-06-2006 10:05:00
"Det här är inte Carolina Klüfts sida så hon kommer inte läsa era inlägg! Hon har ingen egen hemsida. Försök istället med http://www.friidrott.se/kontakt. De kan möjligtvis skicka vidare era meddelanden till henne."
27-06-2006 10:03:00
\\\"This isn\\\'t Carolina Klüft\\\'s website so she won\\\'t read your messages! She hasn\\\'t got a personal website. Try with http://www.friidrott.se/kontakt instead. They can possibly forward your messages to her.\\\"
24-06-2006 21:27:00
absoluten respeckt vor den geschöpften leistungen. ihre leistungen gehen exorbitant über meine vorstellungskraft hinaus
15-06-2006 20:32:00
Hola Carolina, me llamo alejandra soy de colombia y tambien practico heptatlon, te felicito de antemano porque estar donde estas ahora se requiere de mucho esfuezo,dedicacion y tambien capacidades. espero vernos en alguna competencia adios......