I am a 9th descendant of Mathiu and Sebastienne Choret.
jeremy bourgoin
14-03-2013 18:08:00
I am a decendent of the Charette's from Fort Kent,Maine. Rhona Bourgoin(Charette)was my grandmother. Her parents I believe were Renee Charette, and Aurora Charette. Now I know she worked on the potatoe farm growing up. She had a few syblings Joanne Cody(Charette), Alan Charette, Guy Charette, and also Ronny Charette. Most of the Charette's I know that are still alive, live in or around Waterbury,CT. If anybody has anymore information on Renee or Aurora or maybe even reletives related to them please feel free to email me at j_bourgoin203@yahoo.com. Thank you and what a great site!
Stephane Charest
02-03-2013 23:51:00
Bonjour. Je suis un descendant de Mathieu Choret. Je suis de la lignée de Jean Choret le fils de Mathieu et Sebastienne Veillon
Grégory Charest
18-01-2013 01:49:00
Bonjour! Je m'appelle Grégory Charest et j'habite a Trois-Rivières. Je suis un descendent de Mathieu Choret. Je suis vraiment content d'en apprendre sur mes ancêtre!
25-11-2012 01:10:00
bonjour, je suis un descendant des choret par un mariage entre Anne-Charlotte Choret et samuel Ricossé(http://www.nosorigines.qc.ca/GenealogieQuebec.aspx?genealogie=Ricosse_Samuel&pid=15152&lng=fr).
James D. Charette
16-11-2012 04:50:00
I am a direct decendant of Mathieu and Sebastienne Choret. I am Jean 11
Kelly Charest
01-11-2012 06:49:00
Many thanks from the descendents of Mathieu and Sabastienne's son Robert who are now in Minnesota!
Laura Kogut
16-10-2012 05:25:00
Thank you for putting together such a wonderful site. I am 10th generation (I believe) Cherrette.
Mary Jo Schlegel Jac
07-09-2012 01:03:00
I am beyond thrilled to find your site with all your thoroughly researched information! I've been researching family history on my Dad's (Schlegel) side and recently started on my Mom's side (McElvain / Morisette). What a joy to find the story to go along with names and dates! I can NOT wait to share this with my Mom! We are decended from Mathieu and Sebastienne's daughter, Jeanne, who married Jean MORISSET (MORICET). Thanks a million! You have enriched my life!
Clement Charest
08-08-2012 18:12:00
Je suis charest de Campbellton au Nouveau-Brunswick. Mon père se prénomait René ou Irené et mon grand père Thomas.