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La balise fonctionne parfaitement, 579 constant près de Carpentras
Bravo !

73 de F3OA/P
Francesco - IU0PJS
Bonjour, je viens d' ecouter votre balise HB4FV/B sur 10.1335 de 11:00 a' 11:20 UTC. Le signal etait de 569. Mon recepteur est un Yaesu FT-950 avec une antenne verticale type Rybakov de 7 m de long. Mon locateur est JN63ec. C'est impressionant que votre petit 1 W puisse arriver jusqu'ici au centre d' Italie en si bonne forme ! Felicitations - de Francesco, IU0PJS / HB9TWZ
Listened today again. Good signal. 579.
My antenna is an magnetic loop.
RIG: Icom 718.
Best regards
HB4FV/B I copy you signal 20/01/2023 at 14h30 UTC in my locator JO20GN RST 579
"test beacon1w solar power qth jn36eq 1200m asl"
SDRPlay Duo / Deltaloop 85 m perimetre
73's Phil ON5KDX
HB4FV/B I copy you signal 20/01/2023 at 14h30 UTC in my locator JO20GN RST 579
test beacon1w solar power qth jn36eq 1200m asl
SDRPlay Duo / Deltaloop 85 m perimetre
73's Phil ON5KDX
HB4FV/B I copy you signal 20/01/2023 at 14h30 UTC in my locator JO20GN RST 579
"test beacon1w solar power qth jn36eq 1200m asl"
SDRPlay Duo / Deltaloop 85 m perimetre
73's Phil ON5KDX
Walter DJ0FX
UFB ur 1 Watt HB4FV/B auf 10,133.50 MHz von 1250 -1254 UTC mit 569 mit einer 2 Element Yagi , die 90 Grad wegstand zu Euren JN36EQ. Mein Locator JN67KT.. 22.Dez. 2022. 73 DJ0FX
Excellent signals today..569 at the moment...No noise, slight QSB...Rig Knwd TS890S, cw bandwith 300 Hz..Antena W8JI Windom up 23 meters, oriented N/S..

Rgds and 73's Nermin S58DX
Hello, just received your test message on 10.133.5.

At 15.17 RST: 539,
At 15.19: RST:549 slight QSB

73, de Peter, ONL-5923, JO10QW, Wakken, Belgium
marco morelli iz4vsz
listen ur signal in 30 m 10.133.50mhz rst5/7/9 with qsb from near modena north italy 73ssss