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Lori Ray
Sylvia, I grabbed your tag for day 8...thank-you so much! ♥
Kimberly V
Thank you for numbers 5 and 6
Thank you so much for the beautiful tag.
Kimberly V
Thanks for tags 2-4
Very cute
Kimberly V
Thanks for Day 1
Thank you so much, dear Sylvia, for the wonderful advents calendar tags - I love they so much and I put it on my christmaspage. big hugs Biene
Adorable tag, Sylvia. Thank you.
Hello dear Sylvia,

thank you so much for your adventcalendar and your gifts.. i wish you a wounderful

hugs Christina
Thank you for this beautiful Advent and tags! I hope your Christmas was wonderful!
Thank you for all your beautiful siggies on the Advent Calendar, Sylvia. You know I love them. Enjoy your holiday now.